We speak English, Spanish, and Hindi!

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We speak English, Spanish, and Hindi!

Fishers • Carmel

Fishers • Carmel

How do Braces work

There are 3 parts to braces




Brackets  – Bracket  is the small metal part that is glued or bonded on teeth with a special dental glue . They come in different shapes ,sizes and designs . A bracket does not move teeth rather it acts as a handle for other parts .

Wires – Orthodontic archwire is actually what moves the teeth . Your Orthodontist will start with a light wire and as the wire engages with the bracket it will slowly want to move back to its original shape , moving the teeth in the process . As teeth get straighter , your Orthodontist will increase the wire size .

Ties – In order to move the teeth the wires need to be attached to the brackets , this is done with the help of ties . O-ties are small colored  elastics that go around your braces  .

In addition to braces , patient cooperation is extremely important to keep teeth clean , avoiding food that can break the brackets , limiting sugary drinks and wearing elastics prescribed by your Orthodontist .

call today to see if braces are the right choice for you . 3173761433

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